Your Support

Support the Mission!!

As we head off into the world we need your support so that we can focus on the mission at hand. We will be serving the physically and spiritually poor through engineering, education and the hope that is found through Jesus Christ. If you would like to help and get involved, here's how to make a tax deductible donation:

1. Go to 

2.Click Give to Chris and Kayle Hardrick

3. Then fill in the fields with your information.

5. If you would like to donate on a regular basis, choose Recurring Donation

6. Finally click, Submit

You can also mail in donations. Make checks payable to Engineering Ministries International and designate Hardrick, Chris-2174 in the memo line. You can send mail donations to:

Engineering Ministries International
130 E. Kiowa Street Suite 200
Colorado Springs, Co 80903

Thank you for joining with us as we pursue the calling of our great adventure!!

What is our funding goals?
  • Currently, eMi has designated that we raise funding to cover reoccurring monthly expenses of $5,300.
What is the funding used for?
  • The funding in our monthly expenses and one-time costs all allow our family to thrive and function for the purpose of the mission we have been called to. Even as ministry workers we still have the privilege of paying taxes and we share many of the same costs that you also find in your budget. Also, to fly a family of four from Colorado to Cambodia can cost upwards of $6,000 per trip!! Below is a break out of our monthly expenses by category and ministry start-up costs:

How much of my tax deductible donation goes directly to you?
  • 100% - We are blessed to be serving with a ministry that allows you to invest 100% directly into us and the work we are doing. If you decided to donate one penny each month towards our mission we would receive that $0.01 in our account each month. All donations contributed through eMi to Hardrick, Chris-2174 are tax deductible and goes directly toward the mission we have been called to.